
State of the Pra River Basin

State of the Pra River Basin Water Resources Commission- The Pra River Basin A documentary about the Pra River Basin Ghana like most African countries among other worldwide have belief systems often involving trees, rocks, animals and water. The most arguably revered water through which a lot of Ghanaians derive their spirituality is the River...

Savannah Breeze

Savannah Breeze The Northern Rural Growth Programme upon implementation became the breeze that blew across Ghana’s northern Savannah bringing along a transformation in the lives of rural folks. This documentary captures that story. The Government of Ghana applied for and received a loan from International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) and the African Development Bank...

8 Years of Transforming Lives through Innovative Value Chain Approaches in Ghana

8 Years of Transforming Lives through Innovative Value Chain Approaches in Ghana A Ghanaian Audio Visual Production and Multimedia Company and Rental Business registered in September 2007. Specialising in Development Communication, Printing, Graphics, Audio-Visuals and Training. A “Glocal” Company: a company with a typical Ghanaian name and yet with a global appeal and deeper meaning....

Ghana’s Oil Find (Turning the Tide)

Ghana's Oil Find (Turning the Tide) This documentary seeks to find an answer the question whether or not the not oil find in Ghana will turn out a blessing or a curse? Ghana, over the years has made various attempts at oil discovery, but it was not until the year 2007, that 40 miles deep...

“The Story So Far……”

"The Story So Far......" The Savannah Agricultural Productivity Improvement Project (SAPIP) is a Project implemented by the Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MoFA) and financed by the African Development Bank (AfDB) with the overall objective to transform agricultural value chains for food and nutrition security, job and wealth creation within the Savannah zone. The specific...

Rapport Financier Des Sae

Il s'agit d'une vidéo didactique produite pour les Service d’appui entrepreneurial (SAE ou BSS en anglais) pour le compte du PROGRAMME 2SCALE. Cette vidéo didactique fournit des informations clés aux SAE ciblés afin qu'ils puissent facilement comprendre et appliquer les bonnes pratiques de gestion de fonds et comment faire un rapport financier à l'aide des...


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